[architect]Hanare (Guest House)もてなしの心とゆずで人をつなぐゲストハウス

[architect]Hanare (Guest House)もてなしの心とゆずで人をつなぐゲストハウス
徳島県の木頭で働きながらアマチュア・カメラマンとして多くの人に愛された中野健吉さん。病に倒れたが、妻のみね子さんに「したいことをしたらいい」という遺言を残した。みね子さんはそれに従って健吉さんの写真を展示する「ケンズ ギャラリー カフェ」を運営、音楽イベントなども開いている。が、このカフェや、地元の名産である木頭ゆずを目当てに遠方から来てくれるお客さんがいても泊まるところがなく、残念に思っていた。そこで作られたのが、このゲストハウスだ。
敷地面積|約1800 ㎡
延床面積|61.56 ㎡
1階床面積|61.56 ㎡
仕上|外部 外壁:焼杉板貼 下地通気工法
内部 床:無垢フローリング貼 壁:珪藻土塗 天井:珪藻土塗・針葉樹合板
実施設計|arbol + 東谷剛建築設計事務所
施工| 株式会社 アークホーム
外構| planta
構造| 一級建築士事務所ステラジアン
照明| Ljus(リュース)
家具| 飯沼克起家具製作所
ロゴ| kinetoscape
撮影| 下村康典
Guesthouse-connecting people with the hart of hospitality and Japanese citron
Mr. Kenkichi Nakano, who worked as an amateur photographer in Kito village, Tokushima prefecture, was loved by many people,
Unfortunately he came down with illness, but left a will to his wife, Mineko san, "Do what you want to do".
She followed it, and now runs "Ken's gallery cafe" where the photos taken by Kenkichi san, are exhibited, music events are held occasionally.
Although some customers visited from a long distance, they came all the way for this cafe, or one of the local specialties, "kito yuzu"(a kind of citrus fruit), there were no place to stay at, and she felt sorry for it.
For that reason, this guesthouse was built.
The house was placed in a little distance from the entrance as the site is large. In between, an entrance approach which looks like a wooden bridge was set.
This is an image of from ordinary life to extraordinary one , from reality world to unrealistic one. Around the building, gravel was put, and its surroundings are left as they are, so that people can feel rich greenery close.
The house itself, its height stays low. in order to match the surroundings. Under the big roof, in this open space with no wall, many people can get together easily.
For about guest rooms, rooms are designed, following Japanese traditional space rules, they can be used for various purposes such as bed room, dining room, and living room.
The rooms can be also used for an event, removing partitions under the big roof.
In a part of the house, the local material, kito cedar is selected, about lamp shades, its cloth is "tafuori", which the local industry creates. For finishing, various natural materials such as persimmon tannin painting, or charcoal mortar were used.
Preserve trees of yuzu, plum, and persimmon which those foliage is in a beautiful state, the existing bundle stones left after rebuilding turns to stone decoration for boundary between newly built gravel and grass.
Mineko san, she entertains her guests with meals, using the local food. By "Do what Mineko san wants to do", visitors would enjoy Kito village, and the guesthouse more.
site area| approx 1800 ㎡
total floor| 61.56 ㎡
first floor| 61.56 ㎡
cliant| Mineko Nakano
address|Kawashima, Kitouizuhara, Naka, Naga-gun, Tokushima, Japan
material|outerwall:burned cedar wood
innerfloor:Wooden Flooring wall:Diatomaceous earth top:Diatomaceous earth
piriod | 2016 October - 2017 June
basic design & execution management | arbol
detail design | arbol + Go higashitani architectural design office
builder | ark home
landscape| planta
structual design | steradian associates
lighting | Ljus
furniture| iinuma katsuki Furniture Mfg.
black leather iron|aizara
photo| Yasunori Shimomura
(Translator : Satono Maeda)